“In Zen we say: if you want to use the word ‘meditation’
what you should be meaning by that word is to contemplate the nature of the Self.”
— Joshu Sasaki Roshi
You are invited to join our Zen Meditation group.
Beginners are welcome.
Join us for LIVE Zoom Meditation Sessions
Every Sunday (9:00 am to 10:30 am/Eastern)
You can now join the session clicking anywhere in this text line.
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❖ News About Meetings / July Update ❖
Sunday meditations continue every Sunday (9:00 am Eastern Time)
You can join the the meeting/meditation clicking HERE or copying the following link:
If requested please enter:
Meeting ID: 382 008 7422
Password: 5WcWzq
Please check the Calendar for exact dates.
Thank you.